The Vision To Flourish


To grow: Thrive | To achieve success: Prosper


Our vision is to empower people to successfully deploy their strengths to achieve their goals and lead with confidence, authenticity, and positive impact.


Our mission is to create an environment for our clients to flourish through strategically creative strengths-based coaching and consulting.

The beauty and power of Flourish

We believe that innate talents are unique to each individual, which makes each team and organisation uniquely powerful in what they can achieve.

your innate talents

in your strengths

your strengths

To us, flourishing means helping you reach new heights of influence & development.

I love seeing people flourish & positively impact their world by simply embracing themselves.

Hi, I’m Kristen and the Founder of Flourish Coaching & Consulting. I am originally from Baton Rouge, LA and grew up in Houston, TX. Growing up, I had the opportunity to travel and experience many other cultures, which widened my worldview.

During a business course in Thailand & Cambodia I had the opportunity to interact with & interview small business owners who were strategically using their business to positively impact their employees and community. Experiencing a wide array of cultures as I travelled to places like Laos, Australia, Panama, Mexcio, Botswana, and Kenya I became passionate about discovering a way to harness the positive potential of business on individual lives and communities.

Discovering Gallup Strengths

In 2008, I was first introduced to the Gallup Strengths Assessment and became even more familiar with it over the next 10 years through self-study and coaching.

The idea of being able to identify someone’s unique set of talents, invest in them, and deploy them to accomplish specific goals and strengthen relationships fueled me to create positive change. I began to realize that businesses can positively impact their employees and community when they focus on their most important asset; their people.

A Passion to see others Flourish

I have worked within the non-profit sector for 13 years, managing different teams with varying backgrounds, cultures, and languages. Through my work experience and education, I started to realize the power of coaching.

As a coach and business woman, I am committed to encouraging every client to operate from a place of strength as they achieve higher levels of engagement, collaborative teams, increased profits, and a healthy well-being.


Gallup Certified Strengths Coach

What sets us apart

We are passionate about partnering with each client to design a FlourishStrength journey that positions them for success from a place of strength. A FlourishStrength journey is exactly that, a journey; one that gives every client the freedom to discover their natural talents and learn how to transform them into strengths. They can then strategically use their strengths to accomplish their most valuable goals.

Flourish is not just about one person or one company succeeding, but about creating a chain reaction that produces flourishing communities. We are committed to investing and giving back to our community so that together, we will flourish.

Our vision for flourishing communities

Truly flourishing creates a chain reaction that positively impacts communities, families, and nations.

You can invest in a coaching package to train and empower an individual who is actively looking for a job! Help someone else flourish.

Discover More About How You & Your Team Can Flourish

We want to see you and your team flourish. We create free resources, share stories and write about tools and guidelines for you to grow and learn. Read about our insights, ideas and experience in helping you see real, lasting transformation through your CliftonStrengths.

We are committed to helping you discover, invest, and deploy your strengths to achieve your goals and lead with confidence, authenticity, and positive impact.

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Meet with me

We can work together from anywhere in the world, but if you'd like to meet in person, I am based in Johannesburg, SA.